Get Contact List

Retrieves a list of contacts based on the provided query string



Name Location Type Description
search Query string:optional General search to filter tasks by
sortBy Query string:optional The property name to sort by
sortDirection Query string:optional The direction to sort the results by, expected values are [Ascending | Descending]
pageIndex Query number:optional The index of the page to resolve, page numbers start at 0
pageSize Query number:optional The maximum number of results to include on a single page, must be between or equal to 1 and 250.
pageIndexForId Query number:optional The resolves the page index for the entity with the associated id
staffType Query string:optional The staff type of a contact (whether or not it is associated with a user), expected values are [All | Staff | EnabledStaff].
contactType Query string:optional The type of a contact, expected values are [Person | Company | Plural].
matterRoles Query string[]:optional Filter query by given matter roles. For example this could be Client, Lawyer, Referrer, or any other custom field contact found on a matter.


    "totalRecords": 1,
    "pageIndex": 0,
    "records": [
            "id": "4497-A",
            "type": "Company",
            "shortName": "Hooli Pest Control",
            "fullName": "Hooli Pest Control",
            "regionCode": "AU",
            "address": "742 Evergreen Terrace\nNEWMAN WA 6753",
            "phone": {
                "rfc3966": "+61-2-9250-7111",
                "number": "(02) 9250 7111"
            "email": "",
            "emails": [
            "roles": [

ContactsListResponse object

Name Type Description
totalRecords integer The total records found on the server that match the query parameters.
pageIndex integer The index of the page found.
records Contact[] An array of tasks found in the request.

Contact object

Name Type Description
id string The unique identifier associated with a Matter.
type string Specfies whether this contact is a person or company, expected values are [Person | Company | Plural]
shortName string An abbreviation for the fullname of the contact.
fullName string The full name of the contact where the formatting is dependent on the type of the contact. A persons full name will have the surname first, followed by the given name, delimited by a comma. A company will just display the full name.
regionCode string The region code for the address of the contact.
address string The physical address of the contact.
phone Phone The phone number associated with the contact.
email string The main email of the contact.
emails string[] The alternative emails asssociated with the contact.
roles string[] A list of matter roles associated with the contact.

Phone object

Name Type Description
rfc3966 string Number in the RFC 3966 format. Represented as per INTERNATIONAL format, but with all spaces and other separating symbols replaced with a hyphen, and with any phone number extension appended with ";ext=", e.g. "+41-44-668-1800;ext=55".
number string Number for viewing in the UI. Represented as per NATIONAL format for the local numbers (so far Australian only) and as per INTERNATIONAL for foreign numbers, e.g. "+41 44 668 18 00 ext. 55"

Status Codes

Code Summary Description
200 Ok The request was successful with a body in the response.
400 Bad Request The request failed validation checks.
401 Unauthorized Failed authentication check.
403 Forbidden Failed authorization check.