Get Contact

Retrieves a detailed view of the Contact for the provided id.



Name Location Type Description
id Route string:required The unique identifier associated with a Contact.


    "id": "3111-A",
    "fullName": "Craig Citizen & Hooli Green",
    "shortName": "Craig Citizen & Hooli Green",
    "abn": "53004085616",
    "members": [
            "id": "783-A",
            "name": "Citizen, Craig"
            "id": "9942-A",
            "name": "Green, Hooli"
    "addresses": [
            "regionCode": "AU",
            "administrativeArea": "WA",
            "locality": "Newman",
            "subLocality": "",
            "postalCode": "6753",
            "line1": "742 Evergreen Terrace",
            "line2": "",
            "formattedAddress": "742 Evergreen Terrace\nNEWMAN WA 6753"
    "phones": [
            "rfc3966": "+61-2-9250-7111",
            "number": "(02) 9250 7111"
    "emails": [
    "roles": [
    "website": "",
    "notes": "These are notes for albatross legal"


    "id": "8812-A",
    "fullName": "Hooli Pest Control",
    "shortName": "Hooli Pest Control",
    "abn": "53004085616",
    "acn": "007249989",
    "addresses": [
            "regionCode": "AU",
            "administrativeArea": "WA",
            "locality": "Newman",
            "subLocality": "",
            "postalCode": "6753",
            "line1": "742 Evergreen Terrace",
            "line2": "",
            "formattedAddress": "742 Evergreen Terrace\nNEWMAN WA 6753"
    "phones": [
            "rfc3966": "+61-2-9250-7111",
            "number": "(02) 9250 7111"
    "emails": [
    "roles": [
    "website": "",
    "notes": "These are notes for albatross legal"


    "id": "5143-A",
    "firstName": "Craig",
    "lastName": "Citizen",
    "fullName": "Citizen, Craig",
    "shortName": "Citizen C",
    "abn": "53004085616",
    "addresses": [
            "regionCode": "AU",
            "administrativeArea": "WA",
            "locality": "Newman",
            "subLocality": "",
            "postalCode": "6753",
            "line1": "742 Evergreen Terrace",
            "line2": "",
            "formattedAddress": "742 Evergreen Terrace\nNEWMAN WA 6753"
    "phones": [
            "rfc3966": "+61-2-9250-7111",
            "number": "(02) 9250 7111"
    "emails": [
    "roles": [
    "birthday": "2020-12-01T03:43:15.6981775Z",
    "company": "Albatross Legal",
    "jobTitle": "Lawyer",
    "gender": "Male",
    "title": "Mr",
    "website": "",
    "notes": "These are notes for albatross legal"

Company Plural object

Name Type Description
id string The unique identifier associated with a Contact.
members EntityReference[] The member contacts associated with this plural contact.
fullName string The full name of the contact where the formatting is dependent on the type of the contact. A persons full name will have the surname first, followed by the given name, delimited by a comma. A company will just display the full name.
shortName string An abbreviation for the fullname of the contact.
website string The website url associated with the contact.
notes string Notes made against the associated contact.
abn string The Australian Business Number associated with the contact.
addresses Address[] A list of physical addresses associated with the contact.
phones Phone[] A list of phone numbers associated with the contact.
emails string[] A list of email addresses associated with the contact.
roles string[] A list of matter roles associated with the contact.
customFields Dictionary A list of custom fields and their associated values as defined in Mattero.

Company Contact object

Name Type Description
id string The unique identifier associated with a Contact.
acn string The Australian Company Number of the company contact.
fullName string The full name of the contact where the formatting is dependent on the type of the contact. A persons full name will have the surname first, followed by the given name, delimited by a comma. A company will just display the full name.
shortName string An abbreviation for the fullname of the contact.
website string The website url associated with the contact.
notes string Notes made against the associated contact.
abn string The Australian Business Number associated with the contact.
addresses Address[] A list of physical addresses associated with the contact.
phones Phone[] A list of phone numbers associated with the contact.
emails string[] A list of email addresses associated with the contact.
roles string[] A list of matter roles associated with the contact.
customFields Dictionary A list of custom fields and their associated values as defined in Mattero.

Person Contact object

Name Type Description
id string The unique identifier associated with a Contact.
firstName string The given name of the contact.
middleName string The middle name of the contact.
lastName string The surname of the contact.
birthday DateTime The date the contact was born.
company string The Company the contact works for or is associated with.
jobTitle string The job title for the company the associated contact works for.
title string The contacts title or pronoun.
gender string The Gender the contact identifies with, expected values are [Male | Female | Unknown]
fullName string The full name of the contact where the formatting is dependent on the type of the contact. A persons full name will have the surname first, followed by the given name, delimited by a comma. A company will just display the full name.
shortName string An abbreviation for the fullname of the contact.
website string The website url associated with the contact.
notes string Notes made against the associated contact.
abn string The Australian Business Number associated with the contact.
addresses Address[] A list of physical addresses associated with the contact.
phones Phone[] A list of phone numbers associated with the contact.
emails string[] A list of email addresses associated with the contact.
roles string[] A list of matter roles associated with the contact.
customFields Dictionary A list of custom fields and their associated values as defined in Mattero.

EntityReference object

Name Type Description
id string The unique identifier of the Contact.
name string The name for the Contact.

Phone object

Name Type Description
rfc3966 string Number in the RFC 3966 format. Represented as per INTERNATIONAL format, but with all spaces and other separating symbols replaced with a hyphen, and with any phone number extension appended with ";ext=", e.g. "+41-44-668-1800;ext=55".
number string Number for viewing in the UI. Represented as per NATIONAL format for the local numbers (so far Australian only) and as per INTERNATIONAL for foreign numbers, e.g. "+41 44 668 18 00 ext. 55"

Address object

Name Type Description
regionCode string Required. CLDR region code of the country/region of the address.
administrativeArea string Generally refers to the state or region of the address.
locality string Generally refers to the city/town portion of the address.
subLocality string Sublocality of the address. For example, this can be neighborhoods, boroughs, districts.
postalCode string Postal code of the address.
line1 string Line1 of unstructured address lines describing the lower levels of an address. The order of address lines should be "envelope order" for the country/region of the address.
line2 string Line2 of unstructured address lines describing the lower levels of an address.
formattedAddress string Address formatted according to the country rules.
    "regionCode": "AU",
    "administrativeArea": "WA",
    "locality": "Newman",
    "subLocality": "",
    "postalCode": "6753",
    "line1": "742 Evergreen Terrace",
    "line2": "",
    "formattedAddress": "742 Evergreen Terrace\nNEWMAN WA 6753"

Status Codes

Code Summary Description
200 Ok The request was successful with a body in the response.
400 Bad Request The request failed validation checks.
401 Unauthorized Failed authentication check.
403 Forbidden Failed authorization check.
404 Not Found Either couldn't find the endpoint or the query's entity.