Get Matter

Retrieves a detailed view of the matter for the provided id.



Name Location Type Description
id Route string:required The unique identifier associated with a Matter.


    "id": "97-A",
    "number": "41",
    "title": "Test Matter",
    "description": "Ipsum Lorem",
    "status": "Open",
    "dateOpen": "2022-07-15",
    "dateEstimatedCompletion": "2020-12-01",
    "lastActivity": "2022-07-28T15:41:26.262067+10:00",
    "estimatedFee": 2000.00,
    "wipAmountExclTax": 1300.0,
    "wipGstAmount": 130.0,
    "billedGstAmount": 50.0,
    "billedAmountExclTax": 500.0,
    "matterTrustBalance": 1200.0,
    "costingMethod": "Fixed",
    "costTemplate": "",
    "practiceArea": "Administration",
    "practiceAreaId": "187-A",
    "practiceAreaStage": "Pending",
    "practiceAreaStageId": 1,
    "trustAccount": "Berkleys Super Trust Fund",
    "trustAccountId": "84-A",
    "client": {
        "id": "97-A",
        "name": "Microsoft"
    "lawyer": {
        "id": "88-A",
        "name": "Green, James"
    "referredBy": {
        "id": "145-A",
        "name": "Summers, Jeffrey"
    "contactFields": [
            "roleName": "Client",
            "fieldId": "Client",
            "contactId": "97-A",
            "contactName": "Microsoft",
            "mandatory": true
            "roleName": "Referrer",
            "fieldId": "ReferredBy",
            "mandatory": false
            "roleName": "Other Side",
            "fieldId": "18-A",
            "contactId": "95-A",
            "contactName": "Bernier, Payton",
            "mandatory": false
    "customFields": [
            "name": "Other Side",
            "value": "95-A",
            "id": "CF_18-A"
            "name": "Settlement Date",
            "value": "2022-07-16",
            "id": "CF_383-A"
            "name": "Client Agreement Returned",
            "value": true,
            "id": "CF_490-A"
            "name": "Purchase Price",
            "value": 980000,
            "id": "CF_186-A"

Matter object

Fields that do not have a value will be be omitted.

Name Type Description
id string The unique identifier associated with a Matter.
number string The number associated with the Matter.
title string The chosen title or name of the Matter.
description string Matter summary.
status string The status of the matter, expected values are [Open | Closed]
dateOpen Date The date the matter was opened or created.
dateEstimatedCompletion Date The estimated date this matter will be completed.
lastActivity DateTime The last date and time work was done against the matter.
estimatedFee number The estimated fee for the matter.
wipAmountExclTax number Fee amount for work that has been done (aka WIP Fee).
wipGstAmount number Gst amount for work that has been done (aka WIP Fee).
billedGstAmount number The amount of work has been billed to the matter excluding tax.
billedAmountExclTax number The amount of work has been billed to the matter including tax.
matterTrustBalance number Current Trust Balance on the matter.
costingMethod string The status of the matter, expected values are [Time | Fixed | CostTemplate]
costTemplate string The template used to calucate costs associated with the matter.
costTemplateId string Identifier for cost template.
practiceArea string The name of the practice area associated with the matter.
practiceAreaId string The identifier of the practice area associated with the matter.
practiceAreaStage string The name of the practice area stage associated with the matter.
practiceAreaStageId integer The identifier of the practice area stage associated with the matter.
trustAccount string The associated trust.
trustAccountId string The associated trust identifier.
client EntityReference Client (company or person).
lawyer EntityReference Lawyer (user).
referredBy EntityReference A contact who referred the client.
contactFields ContactWithRole[] The roles for the contacts associated with the matter.
customFields CustomFieldDto[] Custom fields associated with the matter.

EntityReference object

Name Type Description
id string The unique identifier of the entity.
name string The name associated with the entity.

ContactWithRole object

Name Type Description
roleName string The name of the role.
fieldId string Associated identifier of the field.
contactId string Identifier of the contact.
contactName string Name for the contact.
mandatory boolean Specifices whether this contact role is mandatory.

CustomFieldDto object

Name Type Description
id string The unique identifier associated with the item.
name string Display name of the custom field.
value any Value associated with the custom field.

Status Codes

Code Summary Description
200 Ok The request was successful with a body in the response.
400 Bad Request The request failed validation checks.
401 Unauthorized Failed authentication check.
403 Forbidden Failed authorization check.
404 Not Found Either couldn't find the endpoint or the query's entity.