Get Expense Record

Retrieves a detailed view of the expense record for the provided id.



Name Location Type Description
id Route string:required The unique identifier associated with an Expense Record.


    "gstAmount": 0.0,
    "isWrittenOff": false,
    "isEditable": true,
    "canChangeMatter": false,
    "existingDocuments": [
            "fileExtension": ".docx",
            "size": 145452,
            "id": "11266-A",
            "name": "WA Court Filing Fees"
    "costCode": {
        "id": "238-A",
        "name": "Court Filing Fees"
    "associatedMatter": {
        "number": "6",
        "title": "Greene Class Action",
        "id": "1284-A",
        "name": "6 - Greene Class Action"
    "staffContact": {
        "id": "741-A",
        "name": "Hildagarde Di Bernardo"
    "amountExclTax": 25965.0,
    "description": "Court Filing Fees",
    "date": "2022-08-30"

Expense Record object

Fields that do not have a value will be be omitted.

Name Type Description
amountExclTax number Total amount (excl. GST)
date Date Date of the cost record
description string The description entered for the cost record
gstAmount number Total GST amount
existingDocuments DocumentReference[] A list of document references attached to an expense record
isEditable boolean Is the expense record still able to be edited
isWrittenOff boolean Is the expense record written off
canChangeMatter boolean Can the expense record be assigned to another matter
costCode CostCodeReference A reference to the assigned cost code
associatedMatter MatterReference A reference to the associated matter
staffContact EntityReference A reference to the assigned staff member contact record

CostCodeReference object

Name Type Description
id string The unique identifier of the entity
name string The name associated with the entity
expenseType string The type of expense recorded, values can be [None | ExpenseIncGst | ExpenseExGst]

EntityReference object

Name Type Description
id string The unique identifier of the entity
name string The name associated with the entity

MatterReference object

Name Type Description
id string The unique identifier of the matter
name string The number and title of the matter
number string The number associate with the matter
title string The title or name of the matter

Status Codes

Code Summary Description
200 Ok The request was successful with a body in the response.
400 Bad Request The request failed validation checks.
401 Unauthorized Failed authentication check.
403 Forbidden Failed authorization check.
404 Not Found Either couldn't find the endpoint or the query's entity.