Lookup Matter

Retrieves a list of summaries for the top 5 Matters that best match the provided query

GET https://my.mattero.com.au/public/api/v1/matters/lookup


Name Location Type Description
term Query string:required A term associated with the matter. This checks multiple properties including the title and number properties.
status Query string:optional The status of the matter being searched, expected values are [Open | Closed].


    "id": "5851-A",
    "number": "754",
    "title": "Test Matter",
    "status": "Open",
    "costTemplate": "",
    "costingMethod": "Fixed",
    "lawyer": {
        "id": "771-A",
        "name": "Green J"
    "client": {
        "id": "97-A",
        "name": "Microsoft"
    "matterTrustBalance": 3300.0,
    "trustAccountId": "941-A",
    "trustAccount": "Berkleys Super Trust Fund",
    "practiceArea": "Commercial",
    "practiceAreaStage": "Active"

Matter object

Name Type Description
id string The unique identifier associated with a Matter.
number string The number associated with the Matter.
title string The chosen title or name of the Matter.
status string The status of the matter, expected values are [Open | Closed].
costingMethod string The status of the matter, expected values are [Time | Fixed | CostTemplate]
costTemplate string The template used to calucate costs associated with the matter.
lawyer EntityReference Lawyer (user).
client EntityReference Client (company or person).
matterTrustBalance number The trust balance of the matter.
trustAccountId string The associated trust identifier.
trustAccount string The associated trust name.
practiceArea string The name of the practice area associated with the matter.
practiceAreaStage string The name of the practice area stage associated with the matter.

EntityReference object

Name Type Description
id string The unique identifier of the entity.
name string The name associated with the entity.

Status Codes

Code Summary Description
200 Ok The request was successful with a body in the response.
400 Bad Request The request failed validation checks.
401 Unauthorized Failed authentication check.
403 Forbidden Failed authorization check.