Create Task

Creates a task in matteroTM using the provided JSON body.



Name Location Type Description
description Body string:required A descriptor or name used to describe or identify a Task.
status Body string:required The status of a Task, expected values are [Todo | InProgress | Done]
priority Body string:optional The priority of a Task, expected values are [Low | Normal | High]. The default value is Normal.
dueDate Body Date:required The date a task is due.
associatedContactId Body string:required* The unique identifier of a contact associated with the Task. (If associatedMatterId has a value, this field must be empty)
associatedMatterId Body string:required* The unique identifier of a matter associated with the Task. (If associatedContactId has a value, this field must be empty)
assignedToId Body string:required The unique identifier of a user contact assigned to the Task.
*either associatedContactId or associatedMatterId has to have a value, can't have both


    "id": "4785-A",
    "name": "Review court documents"

EntityReference object

Name Type Description
id string The unique identifier of the task.
name string The description for the task.

Status Codes

Code Summary Description
200 Ok The request was successful with a body in the response.
400 Bad Request The request failed validation checks.
401 Unauthorized Failed authentication check.
403 Forbidden Failed authorization check.