Get Matter's Documents

Retrieves a list of documents of a matter



Name Location Type Description
id Route string:required Matter's Id
pageIndex Query number:optional The index of the page to resolve, page numbers start at 0
pageSize Query number:optional The maximum number of results to include on a single page, must be between or equal to 1 and 250.
search Query string:optional Search documents by its info, such as title.
types Query string:optional Comma separated list of document types to be searched. Possible values are [ Document | Email | Note ]


  "totalRecords": 1,
  "pageIndex": 0,
  "records": [
        "userChangeTimestamp": "2022-05-16T07:15:54.154263Z",
        "associatedMatter": {
            "number": "1",
            "title": "Test Matter",
            "id": "1-A",
            "name": "1 - Test Matter"
        "associatedBriefs": [
                "briefId": "123-A",
                "briefName": "Brief to Barrister",
                "sections": [
                      "id": "223-A",
                      "name": "Court Documents"
        "isFavorite": false,
        "isShared": false,
        "type": "Note",
        "title": "Call with the client",
        "fileExtension": ".txt",
        "fullFileName": "Call with the client.txt",
        "size": 70,
        "mimeType": "text/plain",
        "fileEtag": "0x8DA370BEA7B45C2",
        "createdBy": {
            "id": "1-A",
            "name": "Doe J"
        "lastModifiedBy": {
            "id": "1-A",
            "name": "Doe J"
        "createdDate": "2022-05-16T07:15:48.889867Z",
        "lastModifiedDate": "2022-05-16T07:15:54.151647Z",
        "documentTags": [
          "court documents",
        "lockExpires": "1970-01-01T00:00:00Z",
        "versionNumber": 1,
        "isEncrypted": false,
        "id": "12-A"

DocumentListResponse object

Name Type Description
totalRecords integer The total records found on the server that match the query parameters.
pageIndex integer The index of the page found.
records Document[] An array of documents found in the request.

Document object

Name Type Description
id string The unique identifier associated with a Document.
userChangeTimestamp DateTime The last date and time a document was updated directly from a user.
associatedMatter AssociatedMatter Associated matter of the document.
associatedBriefs AssociatedBrief[] Associated briefs of the document.
isFavorite boolean Indicates if the documents marked as favorite
isShared boolean Indicates if the documents is shared
type string Document's type, expected values are [ Document | Email | Note ]
title string The chosen title or name of the document.
fileExtension string File extension
fullFileName string Document's filename.
size number Document's file size in bytes.
mimeType string MIME type.
fileEtag string Document's unique API Tag.
createdBy EntityReference First user who created the document.
lastModifiedBy EntityReference The last user who modified the document.
createdDate DateTime The first time the document was created.
lastModifiedDate DateTime The last time the document was modified.
documentTags String[] Document's tag list
lockExpires DateTime Document lock expires date
versionNumber integer Document's version number
isEncrypted boolean Indicates of the document is encrypted

AssociatedMatter object

Name Type Description
id string Matter's Id.
number integer Matter sequence.
title string Matter's title.
name string Matter's name.

AssociatedBief object

Name Type Description
briefId string Brief's Id.
briefName string Brief's name.
sections EntityReference[] List of sections

EntityReference object

Name Type Description
id string The unique identifier of the entity.
name string The name associated with the entity.

Status Codes

Code Summary Description
400 Bad Request The request failed validation checks.
401 Unauthorized Failed authentication check.
403 Forbidden Failed authorization check.
404 Not Found Either couldn't find the endpoint or the query's entity.